Articles in Travel, Food and Recipes, Beauty and Style, Fun and Auto

Showing 10 of 28 results
on December 29, 2021
Children likely to eat many more vegetables if they see adults enjoying them, research shows
on December 29, 2021
Trying to get children to eat their vegetables is the eternal struggle of any parent - but the key is in your own enjoyment, a study has found. ... Read full article
on December 2, 2021
What Causes Those Vertical Black Lines on Nails? We Asked a Pro
on December 2, 2021
Have you ever taken off your nail polish, only to notice vertical black stripes running down the length of your fingernails? These might look like bruising or internal coloring - not like you just accidentally created an edgy nail-art trend.... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Next Salad
on November 26, 2021
"When I make a salad, I like to tell a story," Yehuda Sichel tells me recently, while we're sitting outside Huda, his new fast casual spot in Center City, Philadelphia.... Read full article
on November 26, 2021
Acne & Melanated Skin: A Derm Answers Your Most Pressing Questions
on November 26, 2021
There’s honestly nothing worse than executing what was bound to be a glowier-than-thou face beat only to find a ripening pimple brewing under the surface.... Read full article
on November 15, 2021
Chinese Lady’s Chat With A Malay Woman In Tamil Goes Viral!
on November 15, 2021
With a multi-racial and multi-cultural society, Malaysians tend to speak more than a few languages and dialects.... Read full article
on October 28, 2021
This Is How Often You *Really* Need to Wash Your Face
on October 28, 2021
If you’re wondering if it’s better to wash your face once or twice a day, or if it’s bad to wash your face too many times, or just, like, how TF to wash your face the right way, you’ve come to the right place.... Read full article
on January 19, 2021
Rice water: The simple skincare saviour for 2021
on January 19, 2021
The answer to your skincare woes could be sitting in your kitchen cupboard! This year, experts are going back to basics by hailing everyday ingredients as heroes.... Read full article
on January 13, 2021
MCO: Malaysia Airlines offers ticket-change flexibility
on January 13, 2021
MCO: Malaysia Airlines offers ticket-change flexibility... Read full article
on January 13, 2021
This Eating Habit Is Making Your Brain Age Faster, Study Says
on January 13, 2021
We've all been told that indulging in sugary, fried, and processed foods can derail progress when following a diet. But a new study emphasizes the serious health risks that come with this easy eating habit. ... Read full article
on January 6, 2021
How to jumpstart healthy eating with a 7-day plant-based diet meal plan, prepared by a registered di
on January 6, 2021
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular as Americans seek to improve their health and eat more natural foods. In fact, a 2017 Nielsen survey found that 39% of Americans were actively trying to eat more plant-based foods. ... Read full article
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